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Flip or rotate the videos or images that you took with your smartphone for free

Flip or rotate the videos or images that you took with your smartphone for free

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What is Free Video Flip and Rotate

Free Video Flip and Rotate is free video editing software for Windows that gives users the capability to flip and rotate videos in a variety of preset directions, re-save them for convenient viewing.

Pros of Free Video Flip and Rotate

  • Easy to use - A simple mouse click does the video rotation, and users can choose from among seven predefined directional flips and rotations. Video can be rotated 90 degrees clockwise or 90 degrees counterclockwise in vertical or horizontal directions, as well as flipped horizontally or vertically. No matter how the original video was shot, it can be corrected for playback on vertical or horizontal screens.
  • Straightforward window-based interface - The learning curve is low with this software, since it operates via a simple interface with intuitive button placement and easy-to-read instructions available on the software's website. A split-screen layout shows you the original orientation of the video, compared to the orientation after your proposed changes, so it's ultra-simple to make the adjustments you need. Even users unfamiliar with any type of editing software should have no issues navigating Free Video Flip and Rotate.
  • Simple browsing and saving of files - Pulling up a video to edit in this software is, again, easy and intuitive. Users can simply choose the "Open" action from the menu, then browse to the folder on their drive where the video they want to edit is saved. Open the video within the application, make the required changes, and re-save to your desired destination.
  • Playback in any standard media player - Once the video is saved, it can be played back in any media player you desire (provided the player is compatible with the file type of your video, of course). The saved, rotated video file will be universally corrected and will display correctly on any screen.

Cons of Free Video Flip and Rotate

  • Limited available options and adjustments - Free Video Flip and Rotate performs its function well, but if you are looking for it to do anything beyond rotation and re-saving of videos, look elsewhere. The software is strictly designed for rotation and flipping of videos, and does not offer any other type of editing or adjustments. Users may question its usefulness if they own other video-editing software, since most programs have the ability to rotate video along with the ability to make various other adjustments within the same program.
  • Limited compatibility - Free Video Flip and Rotate is only available for download and use with Windows-based PCs, and is not compatible for use with Macs or mobile devices.